NLP bots for digital transformation of businesses

NLP-боты для цифровизации бизнеса

NLP bots are a new step in enhancing digital services. Today, their implementation allows companies to improve customer service quality, minimize costs, and expand their capabilities. Such bots are capable of engaging in communication with potential buyers or clients without the direct involvement of company employees, likely due to their artificial intelligence.

What are NLP bots and how do they work?

An NLP bot is a chatbot that can be integrated into social media platforms, messaging apps, or dialogue forms on websites, automatically responding to customer queries. A significant distinction of such a program is its ability to process natural language.

Note: Natural language refers to the language we use in everyday communication, such as conversations with others or written correspondence.

Естественный язык

Unlike regular chatbots, NLP bots enable customers to feel significant to a specific company. Instantly, a person receives an answer to their question that appears highly relevant, appropriate, and useful. This is achieved through a series of operations performed by NLP applications:

  1. Cognitive Computing
  2. Semantic Analysis
  3. Contextual Word Meaning Determination

An NLP bot can understand any user query, even if it contains slang, abbreviations, or acronyms. It operates as follows:

  1. The user sends a query/question.
  2. Artificial intelligence processes the message.
  3. The bot provides the user with a response highly relevant to the question.
  4. The outcome is a “live” interaction with a potential customer, all without involving managers.

4 main advantages of NLP bots for businesses

Implementing NLP bots is relevant for any company that involves customer interaction. This tool is already being used by business giants such as:

  1. Philip Morris
  2. AstraZeneca
  3. Colgate and more.

You can find some case studies on integrating NLP bots into businesses on our AI marketplace. The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence programs capable of natural language recognition can be explained by these 4 key reasons.

1. Conversion Rate Increase

Firstly, the chatbot responds to user inquiries, enhancing the likelihood of them taking a conversion action (purchasing a product, submitting an application, ordering a service). Such programs provide round-the-clock support to users by instantly addressing any questions they may have about a specific offering.

Secondly, the promptness and 24/7 availability of NLP bots instill greater trust among potential customers. Unlike chatbots with predefined question options, here the communication is almost entirely live. Users perceive this approach as personalized, which improves their perception of the specific company and increases the likelihood of them making a purchase at the present moment or in the future.

2. Marketing Task Automation

Similar to traditional chatbots, NLP bots are capable of not only engaging in dialog but also gathering strategic data:

Customer opinions Primary customer queries Most frequently asked questions Complaints and more

Data collection, which is typically performed by a manager under normal circumstances, is carried out by artificial intelligence using NLP technology. On one hand, this ensures faster resolution of marketing tasks (all information can be subsequently utilized to adjust and enhance the applied strategy), and on the other hand, it saves budget resources.

Автоматизация маркетинговых задач

3. Cost Reduction

Developing, integrating, and maintaining an NLP bot requires significantly lower expenses compared to maintaining an entire team of managers providing customer service in an online mode. Moreover, the overall cost of such a program depends solely on the business’s characteristics and the number of possible dialogue models. Current pricing for NLP-enabled bots can be explored on technology marketplaces.

4. Service Quality Enhancement

NLP technology accurately deciphers natural language and provides highly fitting responses. Additionally, such bots:

  • Operate 24/7 without breaks or weekends.
  • Instantly respond to queries, eliminating customer wait times.
  • Swiftly search for answers across all connected knowledge bases.
  • Maintain a conversational speech style.

All of this contributes to fostering a positive customer perception of the company.

Simultaneously, the quality of operator work also improves. With the integration of NLP bots, operators can focus solely on handling complex queries and tasks, delivering solutions to customer issues more quickly.

Улучшение качества обслуживания

By implementing NLP chatbots into your business, you gain the opportunity not only for cost savings but also for service improvement, enhanced service quality, and accelerated customer data collection. Such programs facilitate the digitization of companies, which serves as the foundation for their development in modern realities.

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